Governance and Concertation


Sustainable development projects, or integrated environmental management projects, are complex because they involve a variety of stakeholders and interests, making their management difficult.

This minor aims to:

  1. Analyze the concept of sustainable development, and its multiple interpretations, understand the actors’ play in the design and implementation of projects in diverse contexts.
  2. Get accainted with the management of sustainable development projects, by developing skills in the field of participatory animation through the implementation of a tutored collective project.
  3. Identify and organize participatory methods that can be mobilized to carry out the project, and learn about participatory modeling.
  4. Know, understand and master the fundamentals of team management, conflict management and meeting facilitation.

At the end of the training, the students will have acquired the knowledge and skills to participate actively in the management of sustainable development projects and their participative animation, or even lead them with external support.

Skills developed

At the end of the training, graduates who have followed this minor will be able to:

  • Critically analyze sustainable development policies, their challenges, their actors, their instruments and to understand the difficulties of their implementation.
  • Carry out the preliminary analysis of the context in order to enlighten the actors’ games and to formulate proposals for the definition of the consultation strategy
  • Define a consultation strategy and implement participatory approaches
  • Manage (with external support for large-scale projects) sustainable development projects by integrating the human dimensions of team management and the participative dimension.
  • Work as a team as well as in autonomy and responsibility in the service of a project.
  • Identify the resource persons and know the professional field(s) associated with the discipline
  • Identify the different perspectives of professional insertion related to their disciplinary field and to build their personal and professional project

Organization of the minor

The minor is taught as a single 60-hour teaching unit each semester, from S1 to S3. The teaching units of this minor are modularized: 3 consecutive weeks will be devoted to this minor each semester. Each semester, the evaluation will take place at the end of the EU. During the S3, a tutored collective project allows the transversal application of the acquired knowledge and skills.

To learn more about the content of this minor, you can browse the complete description of the minor’s curriculum (in Enlish for courses given in English, in French otherwise).