Environmental Sciences: a multidisciplinary field by nature

Our Master in Environmental Sciences trains environmental specialists able to apprehend questions of research or society related to the integrated management of natural areas, especially in coastal areas.

Multidisciplinarity is an original and essential asset of the training. It gives students a broad view of the environment in exploited ecosystems, while remaining specialists in ecology, geosciences, geography or management. For each student, the curriculum consists of:

  1. one major consistent with the undergraduate education (60% of the global teaching hours)
  2. one optional thematic minor to acquire specific and original skills (20% of the global teaching hours)
  3. several mandatory cross-curricular courses, common to all students enrolled in the master regardless of the majors and minors chosen (20% of the global teaching hours)

The major brings fundamental knowledge allowing students to become experts in one of the four disciplines of the master. Cross-disciplinary and minor courses allow students from the 4 majors to work together, among interdisciplinary groups, on various environmental issues. These courses help to develop a broad and integrated vision of environmental issues and prepare students to their future professional activity in a field that is multidisciplinary by nature.

The 4 majors, the 4 minors and the common courses are presented in the Teaching section of the website. You can also directly dive in the detailed content of each course of the master (but except for the courses taught 100% in English, the descriptions are in French only…).

Finally, students enrolled in the major “Environmental Management and Coastal Ecology” of the Master SPE can participate (by submitting a special request) in the joint Double Degree program with the Master Degree in Integrated Management of Tropical Coastal Zones, Gestión Integrada de Áreas Costeras Tropicales (GIACT), from the University of Costa Rica. Click here for details about this Double Degree opportunity!